Sunday, December 19, 2010

Matreshka Callling Card

Christmas greetings

At this time we celebrate the birth of a Rebel to a young mother in Bethlehem, which reminds us that all births are a holy miracle. All mothers and all children and their families are blessed. This flow of love and respect towards all living beings is the message of the carpenter.

service by Bumi Sehat communities in Aceh and Bali, Indonesia, with health care and the maternity clinic is a beautiful example of building peace on Earth. Bumi Sehat needs your help. Please remember Bumi Sehat when you make your Christmas gifts. Please also share this message with all your loved ones and your amici.Pace on Earth .. Ibu Robin Lim and his team of Bumi Sehat

payments at the Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano
IBAN: IT91 D 06045 11613 000000555000
payable to: Alexander Langer Foundation
BIC: CRBZIT2B059 (for transfers from abroad)
Reason: madri sane, terra felice - con ibu robin

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Denise Milani Nippleslip


Oggi 24 novembre ho compio 54 anni! Desiderando la pace nel mondo come regalo di compleanno è una la cosa più pratica è creare la pace insieme...Ho veramente bisogno di un aiuto finanziario per Bumi Sehat. La crisi economica mondiale ha messo in grave difficolta anche la nostra casa maternità...Tanto tanto amore...è bello essere qui su questa terra con voi!Om shanti, Ibu Robin!

Per donazioni

Versamenti presso la Cassa di Risparmio di BolzanoIBAN: IT91 S 06045 11613 000000555000intestato a: Fondazione Alexander LangerBIC: CRBZIT2B059 (per bonifici dall'estero) Causale: Healthy mothers, happy land for Ibu Robin

Thursday, November 11, 2010

High Frequency Facial Treatment

IBU Ibu Robin - Encyclopedia of Women

Click HERE

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Costume Molar Tooth


Bumi Sehat Bali and Aceh, Indonesia Here in Indonesia we had the rain out of season, as I write the sky is gray with new of threatening clouds. Before 8 this morning in Bali, we had already welcomed three new babies in this world! All mothers now rest and nurse their babies healthy. The first moments after birth in Bali in postpartum care in Aceh Unfortunately it is not so for the beautiful mother Sari, who arrived two weeks ago at Bumi Sehat. Sari was not followed by our center before the start of his labor. He had received no prenatal care, nessun tipo di vitamine e si presentava veramente malnutrita. Nella notte il suo bimbo morì in utero prima che il travaglio iniziasse. L’aveva sentito scalciare abbastanza forte e poi più nulla fino al mattino. Le ostetriche del nostro staff mi chiamarano per dirmi che questa mamma era arrivata e che non c’era battito fetale. Sono corsa alla clinica. Come mi vide arrivare al Bumi Sehat, il marito di Sari disse a sua moglie: "Oh, le cose andranno bene ora, Ibu Robin è qui”. Naturalmente ebbi un tuffo al cuore, dato che io non potevo certo riportare in vita il loro bimbo.

Potemmo solo offrir loro delle gratuite e amorevoli cure…e sperare di accorciare il loro dolore, ma non so come genitori possano survive the loss. The baby's umbilical cord was only 20 cm long, was simply too short and moving away from the child he had killed before birth. The abundance of nutritious food creates a long umbilical cord. This cord was too short because the baby could survive, and this occurred as a result of poverty and maternal malnutrition. I spent the last two weeks pondering the fate and the fact that if the expectant mother had first found the center of Bumi Sehat and had received the prenatal vitamins that we distribute through the blessing of the New Chapter, perhaps, she and her baby there would have made. I hope and pray that more and more mothers on this planet receive food, drinking water and loving care they need to bring children into this world healthy, intelligent and happy. Remember Ie twins born in Aceh after Today the family still lives in poverty the tsunami carried away two children, but their sister Yenni will end early in the school to become a midwife, with donations of Bumi Sehat! The twins grow up. And 'thanks to each of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, benefactors, sponsors, that we are able to offer thousands of women each year, prenatal care that decrease the risks of pregnancy and childbirth. This is a letter of thanks to express my gratitude to you all, for all the aid received by Bumi Sehat. Statistical data patient received the heart of Bali and the birth Tsuanmi Relief Clinic-Birth Center in Aceh, training initiatives, environmental projects and support of development, are a tribute to your devotion and work with us here in Indonesia.

bless all I offer a brief overview of what your donations to the Bumi Sehat has enabled the achievement in 2010: the number of patients and helped students was 16,886 Bumi Sehat's aid after the earthquake in Haiti: Note: For purposes of sustainability Bumi Sehat has transformed the center births in Haiti in an 'other NGOs, at the end of June 2010 Patient Febbraio Statistics - July 2010 antenatal visits: 1,400 Births: 87 Pediatric Care: 785 Total number of patients treated in Haiti: Statistics of 2.272 patients at Bumi Sehat Bali Clinic in January 2010 ~ _Luglio prenatal visits: 2.323 Births: 256 pediatric care: Medical care 93 alternative: 604 General Medical: 1.505 Total number of patients treated at Bali: 4.781 Statistics of Patients at Bumi Sehat Aceh Clinic in January ~ July 2010 Prenatal Visits: 768 Birth: 54 Postnatal Care: Medical Generic 179: 8.415 Total number of patients treated 9.416 Bumi Sehat Aceh Bali Youth Centre Student Skills Statistics January ~ July 2010 on Computer: 141 students who have completed the course in English Language: 276 Students who have completed the course all students who have improved their education Bumi Sehat: 417

Bumi Sehat NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! Please consider the opportunity to provide a contribution to Yayasan Bumi Sehat charity. We are grateful for your cooperation in this journey of service to humanity. You can donate by credit card / paypal by going to our website ( in Bali: Donations can be made to the clinic Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Ubud (Bali). Deposits in Italy at Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano payable to: Alexander Langer Foundation IBAN: IT91 D 06045 11613 000000555000 BIC: CRBZIT2B059 (for transfers from abroad) Cause: Healthy mothers, happy Earth-Ibu Robin As for donation under Article 13 of Legislative Decree 12/04/1997, n.460, the amounts paid by bank transfer are deductible from income. To obtain the certification of donation took place and need to communicate your name, date of birth and Lugo, place of residence, telephone, e-mail address and tax identification number to the e-mail: Tel: +62361 970 002 Fax: +62361972969 Email: helping hands to the Bumi Sehat Bali ~ where every day is born a miracle of peace! Thank You! Terima Kasih! THANKS

Friday, October 22, 2010

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L'ambulante morto, accusati di sequestro i medici

Finite investigations of the third ... a new criminal indictment for the 7 accused doctors .... kidnapping and abuse of power ... read the whole article at the following link: http

Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Sometimes they come back

Look how beautiful and chemi amail 'came

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Son just like their pork yellow

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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August 2010 Letter from Ibu Robin

Dear Sane Earth Mothers Happy
Bumi Sehat is continuing to do his job as host of the most gentle children in this world, but it's really fear having to depend on donations to remain open, while the world economy is in crisis. We can not stop doing our wonderful work in Bali and Aceh. But we need your help. Ce a beautiful woman from East Timor, who last gave birth to a girl, which I received in my hands. She and her husband have seen the suffering and war. Now you can enjoy the quiet, resting and nursing their child. Lina feels very far from the island of his war infnazia. Do you feel safe here at Bumi Sehat, where a Catholic can pray the rosary. Yesterday, Lina has just begun to have a dangerous bleeding, we asked his family to pray, their voices began to call on Mary, and all we could feel His presence. When the midwives have come to birth, there were 40 women and their families waiting for prenatal checks. A Hindu mother took my hand and asked me if Lina is doing well. Annuiamo. This place of peace and serenity is possible thanks to our friends and family from all over the world. At
Bumi Sehat clinic in Aceh, our staff is the Muslim fasting. Continue their work, to keep the clinic open 24 hours on 24. Fast to remember the hungry and that will disappear from the world. They pray for peace, kneeling, 5 times a day. These are the tsunami survivors, who have known hunger, grief, they heard the gunshots in the night during the war. Pray and CAN fast because very often only power they have el. In every part of Indonesia's silent birth this month of fasting, is growing and creating a large space in all of our hearts for Peace.
OM Shanti, Ibu Robin & Team Bumi Sehat.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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article by Silvia Vaccaro, WE WOMEN The experience of


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where To Buy Berlinwood Fingerboards

Valentina Facchin

am Valentina, a 'midwife graduated in 2007, and my trip into the great family of the Bumi Sehat begins a couple of years ago, when I began my personal quest to understand the different reality in the world of obstetrics.
A colleague told me about it and I started to inform Ibu Robin Lim and who is acting as its center.
I understand that it is the experience I'm looking for. From 'someone else in the world has achieved what many in dream.
My dream come true this spring when my application to carry out a period of voluntary work is accepted. The joy is great and my departure comes soon.
I have always believed that the confrontation with reality and different people and always help enrich the journey in search of its identity.
hospital in my path I had the privilege to meet my teacher midwife who has always helped me to approach with awe and respect at birth, once understood, the sacredness of that miracle. At Bumi
Seath all this is implemented in a way new to me, but there is a thread that binds everything.
I walk barefoot through the rooms of the center, with the curiosity of children and groped for wide-eyed to catch every detail.
I see women with long dark hair and big eyes, dressed in their shorts; delicate for me are all beautiful, full of their mystery and always smiling.
soon as I learn all be accepted at the time of childbirth, from the smallest members of the family, children, the biggest, grandparents and relatives or neighbors.
when I see myself in many scenes, some time ago, on occasion, taken from the hustle, I myself had settled quickly relatives and friends of patients with a cold: "sorry, I'll let you know."
For the first time we realized strong l'importanza di far sentire tutti i membri della famiglia accolti e partecipi all'evento.
Le basi di questa comunità che si stringerà attorno al nuovo nato ed alla madre inziano, forse, proprio in questo primo istante, dove una mano tesa, un sorriso e un'occhiata rassicurante, ma soprattutto la possiblita di assistere, fanno la differenza.
Nei travagli a cui assisto, vedo donne sì è una sofferenza diversa e che poche volte ho visto.
Passeggiano, bevono, mangiano e sono concentrate, hanno una tranquillità interiore che sconfigge la paura; molte ostetriche sono attorno a loro, ma anche loro sono diverse.
Sono ostetriche libere e ricche di fiducia in loro stesse e nella partoriente.
Midwives are free to attend the birth without the hassle of constant monitoring, without the task of "speed access", especially without the 'nightmare ...." and if something goes wrong. "
are free to take the time to walk with the woman in labor ..... and leave the woman in labor, their time ....
This is made possible by the loss of the need for control on the event but also by a sense of trust that pervades.
The midwives here are learning to rely on their knowledge rather than one imposed by the machines.
Knowledge that is not derived from them, but just pass through them.
You learn to assess fetal heart health and your hearing and their sense of rhythm.
confidence man who knows that the machines can only help, not replace, the confidence in their skills as midwives and as women first and then allows them to be confident even in women assisted. I learn so
greater confidence in what is a natural birth.
Every reality has always something to improve and perfection is a journey not a point of 'arrival, but I think more are the main differences are the ability to learn.
Here the mosaic of my experience adds an important part of the trust. With women I have witnessed, the children that we have received, to Ibu Robin and all the midwives I have met my career and the whole family of Bumi Seaht.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Free Seating Chart Template

Article by Jessica Cousins, Combonifem

click to read

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Name Changing Njsocial Security

Ibu Robin in Italy, in May 2010

Too Much Cervical Mucus

Ibu Robin in Italy, in May 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take For A Check To Clear

Maurizio Rosenberg Colorni says the project's Disaster Relief Ibu Robin


How To Start A Private Ambulance Service

The midwife barefoot at work Haiti - Interview Flavia Compass

Monday, May 31, 2010

Covering Letter Dental Receptionist

Free TV: Video interview with Ibu Robin

Can You Reserve Flights Without Payment?

Radio Women: Interview with Ibu Robin

bottom of the page you can listen to the interview

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Morgan 2010 Or Currently

Appuntamneto in Rome for those who wish to meet with Ibu Robin Lim. Associazione Il Nido

via Marmorata 169 - Internal

Rome from 16.00

Kolla På Adul Film På Nätet

Meeting in Rome Press Conference

Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies because of
Mission 4


A project of solidarity for the birth
Ibu Robin Lim, a midwife, writer, poet, International Award 'Alexander Langer' 2006, di ritorno da Haiti - dove è giunta all'indomani del devastante terremoto - è in Italia, in occasione della creazione della rete di solidarietà 'Madri sane, Terra felice' a sostegno del suo lavoro a favore della nascita.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Erosion Of The Cervix And Getting Pregnant

Meeting in Verona in Rome, Friday, May 14, 2010

L'Associazione culturale ESPOSTA 2.0
con la rete di solidarietà 'Madri sane, Terra felice'

organizza un incontro di sottoscrizione

con e per Ibu Robin Lim.

Via Interrato dell'Acqua VERONA
13b dead Friday, May 14 from 19:30

During the meeting, the DVD will be screened (15 ')' Bumi Sehat: happy mother earth: a project for peace "and a short film (6 ' ) on his work as a midwife in the emergence of Haiti, with the chance of a convivial cocktail & dinner, and you can buy Balinese crafts. Subscribe for 25 €. Places are limited: Please book by replying to this email or by phone at 045/8349655

Obstetrics, writer, poet, winner of the international 'Alexander Langer-
returning from Haiti, where he came in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake-
to support his work for the birth.
Ibu Robin's mission (in Bali, where he lives and works, respectfully call Ibu - Mother, Lady) is to provide assistance to the most fragile infants and their mothers, care for pregnant women, assist in childbirth and post-partum, breastfeeding support (especially in emergencies when there is no water and sanitation make it dangerous to artificial feeding).

In 1994 he founded the non profit organization in Bali Bumi Sehat (Bumi Sehat and mother earth is going to mean healthy, happy) who runs a small health center for mothers, children, fathers, a community clinic that the fight against poverty and malnutrition, for a healthy pregnancy, childbirth a peaceful, happy welcome the new born, a place of health for all the poor people of the region that there can only receive appropriate care, quality and completely free.

to engage in vital work of obstetrics and support for pregnant women to give birth, breastfeeding and new born, the birth Bumi Sehat operates homes in Bali and in Aceh and gave timely response in emergency obstetric more recent natural disasters: the tsunami in Aceh in 2004, the earthquake in Yogyakarta in May 2006, the earthquake in Padang in September 2009 and now the earthquake in Haiti.

Even in Haiti, in the aftermath of the disaster, worked primarily to protect mothers and children, exploiting all available resources, in conjunction with NGOs already present in the area, to provide drinking water, food and shelter to evacuees with homes destroyed or to give everything to the survivors they need to come back to life. Every birth is a miracle and this kind of miracle is the healing part of Haiti.Nelle first two weeks of work, as well as concentrate on the construction of infrastructure, the team has provided services to hospitals, camps and tent cities with 491 interventions ( 7 births, 85 prenatal visits, 99 visits and postpartum support to breastfeeding, 285 pediatric care, care for sick adults and 15 wounded) and after three months the house for nascitaè fully operational, with the help of a Haitian staff. Once off the spotlight on the discovery, structure and knowledge of the population and wealth will be able to remain operational even when international attention will be diminished.

In bringing relief to areas with deep wounds in areas devastated by conflict and environmental disasters, the intervention of Ibu Robin is not only emergency obstetrics, but also a free health service, based on three strong principles and simple: respect for cultures, nature and medical sciences. Ibu Robin is aware that midwifery is an art based on love and that respect for the birth becomes the bearer of peace. CONTACT

Tiziana Valpiana, Verona, tiziana.valpiana @
Alexander Langer Foundation (Martina Zambelli), Bolzano Tel 0471-977691 (in English)
fb> Mothers Healthy, Happy Earth

occasion you can visit the exhibition


Ninon - anastasia mustache - paola colombo

an exhibition of monsters, soft sculptures in fabric and small creatures in search of the third dimension

9 to 27 May 2010

Cultural Association

exposed 2.0

Art, Music, Soulfood.

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Thursday through Sunday, from 18:00 (piùommeno. ..) to 02:00 (pretty much)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maxine Hamburgers Jokes To Send To Friends

Bumi Sehat helping in Haiti

Deja Bernhardt

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lost Appointment Confirmation Id For Us Visa


BIRTH : Healthy mothers, happy land, A NETWORK TO SUPPORT IBU ROBIN

A project of solidarity for the birth
Ibu Robin Lim, a midwife, writer, poet, International Award 'Alexander Langer' 2006, returning from Haiti - which came in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake - Verona will be Wednesday, May 12 at 11:30 am at the headquarters of the Pomegranate (via Castel San Felice 36, Verona), at the creation of the solidarity network 'Healthy mothers, happy land' in support of his work on behalf of the birth .

Ibu Robin's mission (in Bali, where he lives and works, respectfully call Ibu - Mother, Lady) is to provide assistance to the most fragile infants and their mothers, curare le donne in gravidanza, aiutarle nel parto e nel post-partum, sostenere l'allattamento al seno (specialmente nelle emergenze quando mancanza d'acqua e di servizi igienico-sanitari rendono pericolosa la nutrizione artificiale).
Nel 1994 ha fondato a Bali l'associazione no profit Bumi Sehat (Bumi sta per terra madre e Sehat significa sano, felice) che gestisce un piccolo centro di salute per madri, bambini, padri, un consultorio di comunità che lotta contro la povertà e la malnutrizione, per una gravidanza sana, un parto sereno, un'accoglienza felice del nuovo nato, un luogo di salute per tutte le persone povere della regione, che solo lì possono ricevere cure adeguate, di qualità e completamente gratuite.
To engage in vital work of obstetrics and support for pregnant women to give birth, breastfeeding and new born, the birth Bumi Sehat operates homes in Bali and in Aceh and gave timely responses to emergency obstetric in the most recent natural disasters: the tsunami in Aceh in 2004, the earthquake in Yogyakarta in May 2006, the earthquake in Padang in September 2009 and now the earthquake in Haiti.
Even in Haiti, in the aftermath of the disaster, he worked primarily to protect mothers and children, exploiting all available resources, in conjunction with NGOs already present in the area, to provide drinking water, food and shelter to evacuees or the houses destroyed, to give ai sopravvissuti tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno per ritornare alla vita. Ogni nascita è un miracolo gentile e questo miracolo è la guarigione di una parte di Haiti.Nelle prime due settimane di lavoro, oltre a concentrarsi nella realizzazione di infrastrutture, il team ha offerto prestazioni agli ospedali, nei campi e nelle tendopoli con 491 interventi (7 nascite, 85 visite prenatali, 99 visite postpartum e di supporto all'allattamento al seno, 285 cure pediatriche, 15 cure ad adulti malati e feriti) e dopo tre mesi la casa per la nascitaè pienamente operativa, avvalendosi della collaborazione di uno staff haitiano. Una volta spenti i riflettori sull'emergenza, struttura e conoscenze resteranno patrimonio della popolazione e potranno rimanere operational even when international attention will be diminished.
In bringing relief to areas with deep wounds in areas devastated by conflict and environmental disasters, the intervention of Ibu Robin is not only emergency obstetrics, but also a free health service, based on three strong principles and simple: Respect cultures, nature and medical sciences. Ibu Robin is aware that midwifery is an art based on love and that respect for the birth we become bearers of peace. Mothers
healthy, happy land, a network of solidarity, constituted by the favor of the Alexander Langer Foundation, aims to raise awareness of the work and the thought of Ibu Robin Lim and Bumi Sehat.

Ibu Robin presents "Guerrilla Midwife" a documentary film Deja Bernhardt.
"In every country on this planet, there is a war being fought for a good more valuable than gold or oil. The battlefield is the body of a woman when she is most vulnerable and in need of protection. .. when giving birth. " Guerrilla
Midwife's documentary Deja Bernhardt, to be presented at the 'Cannes Film Festival Independent', follows Ibu Robin Lim in the trenches of his work. CONTACT

The Pomegranate Phone 0458300908
Tiziana Valpiana, Verona, tiziana.valpiana @
Martina Zambelli, Bolzano, Tel 0471977691 (in English)
fb> Mothers Healthy, Happy Earth

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mom's Knee Or Moms Knee

Meeting with Ibu Robin Lim

Bolzano, Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 18:00 Plural
Coffee, 19 square Parish

Monday, May 3, 2010

Honda Ridgeline Aftermarket Navigation

Biography Ibu Robin Lim

Ibu Robin Lim was born in 1956 in the U.S. state of Iowa, the daughter of a complex genealogy Filipino-Chinese-German-Irish. E 'then lived in New Jersey and for some periods in Okinawa (Japan), Bagujo (Philippines), Maui (Hawaii), and Antigua Puntagorda (Canary Islands), in Belize, in Fairfield (California), Paris, Singapore.
Until 1992 he lived with his first four children, writing and teaching poetry.

He decided to become a midwife in 1991, after three painful deaths. She graduated from the United States and is registered at the North American Registry of Midwives.
In 1992 she married current husband, a widower with two children, and together they moved to Bali. Here was born their seventh child.
He studied homeopathy, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine. He studied and worked side by side with traditional Balinese midwives.

In 1994 he founded the Yayasan Bumi Sehat non-profit association (Bumi Sehat and mother earth is going to mean healthy, happy), where he is executive director.
Bumi Sehat is a clinic for mothers and families, based on three fundamental principles: respect for culture, for nature and for the Medical Sciences. We operate teachers, midwives, nurses, doctors and international volunteers. They offer a high standard of prenatal care, birth assistance, including water services for the postnatal support for breastfeeding and natural family planning. Pose the greatest loving care at birth.
Immediately after the tsunami of 2004 went with his team in Aceh, very close to the epicenter, was almost completely destroyed by the waters, where 70% of the population died in a minute. Here ha fondato la seconda clinica Bumi Sehat.
In seguito ha dato risposte tempestive di pronto soccorso ostetrico nel terremoto a Yogyakarta nel maggio 2006, in quello a Padang nel settembre 2009 e nel gennaio 2010 ad Haiti. Qui, a Jacmel, ha fondato la terza clinica Bumi Sehat.
L'associazione non riceve contributi pubblici, ma vive grazie a donazione di “amici” da tutto il mondo.

Nel 2006 ha vinto il Premio Internazionale Alexander Langer.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

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