Bumi Sehat Bali and Aceh, Indonesia Here in Indonesia we had the rain out of season, as I write the sky is gray with new of threatening clouds. Before 8 this morning in Bali, we had already welcomed three new babies in this world! All mothers now rest and nurse their babies healthy. The first moments after birth in Bali in postpartum care in Aceh Unfortunately it is not so for the beautiful mother Sari, who arrived two weeks ago at Bumi Sehat. Sari was not followed by our center before the start of his labor. He had received no prenatal care, nessun tipo di vitamine e si presentava veramente malnutrita. Nella notte il suo bimbo morì in utero prima che il travaglio iniziasse. L’aveva sentito scalciare abbastanza forte e poi più nulla fino al mattino. Le ostetriche del nostro staff mi chiamarano per dirmi che questa mamma era arrivata e che non c’era battito fetale. Sono corsa alla clinica. Come mi vide arrivare al Bumi Sehat, il marito di Sari disse a sua moglie: "Oh, le cose andranno bene ora, Ibu Robin è qui”. Naturalmente ebbi un tuffo al cuore, dato che io non potevo certo riportare in vita il loro bimbo.
Potemmo solo offrir loro delle gratuite e amorevoli cure…e sperare di accorciare il loro dolore, ma non so come genitori possano survive the loss. The baby's umbilical cord was only 20 cm long, was simply too short and moving away from the child he had killed before birth. The abundance of nutritious food creates a long umbilical cord. This cord was too short because the baby could survive, and this occurred as a result of poverty and maternal malnutrition. I spent the last two weeks pondering the fate and the fact that if the expectant mother had first found the center of Bumi Sehat and had received the prenatal vitamins that we distribute through the blessing of the New Chapter, perhaps, she and her baby there would have made. I hope and pray that more and more mothers on this planet receive food, drinking water and loving care they need to bring children into this world healthy, intelligent and happy. Remember Ie twins born in Aceh after Today the family still lives in poverty the tsunami carried away two children, but their sister Yenni will end early in the school to become a midwife, with donations of Bumi Sehat! The twins grow up. And 'thanks to each of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, benefactors, sponsors, that we are able to offer thousands of women each year, prenatal care that decrease the risks of pregnancy and childbirth. This is a letter of thanks to express my gratitude to you all, for all the aid received by Bumi Sehat. Statistical data patient received the heart of Bali and the birth Tsuanmi Relief Clinic-Birth Center in Aceh, training initiatives, environmental projects and support of development, are a tribute to your devotion and work with us here in Indonesia.
bless all I offer a brief overview of what your donations to the Bumi Sehat has enabled the achievement in 2010: the number of patients and helped students was 16,886 Bumi Sehat's aid after the earthquake in Haiti: Note: For purposes of sustainability Bumi Sehat has transformed the center births in Haiti in an 'other NGOs, at the end of June 2010 Patient Febbraio Statistics - July 2010 antenatal visits: 1,400 Births: 87 Pediatric Care: 785 Total number of patients treated in Haiti: Statistics of 2.272 patients at Bumi Sehat Bali Clinic in January 2010 ~ _Luglio prenatal visits: 2.323 Births: 256 pediatric care: Medical care 93 alternative: 604 General Medical: 1.505 Total number of patients treated at Bali: 4.781 Statistics of Patients at Bumi Sehat Aceh Clinic in January ~ July 2010 Prenatal Visits: 768 Birth: 54 Postnatal Care: Medical Generic 179: 8.415 Total number of patients treated 9.416 Bumi Sehat Aceh Bali Youth Centre Student Skills Statistics January ~ July 2010 on Computer: 141 students who have completed the course in English Language: 276 Students who have completed the course all students who have improved their education Bumi Sehat: 417
Bumi Sehat NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! Please consider the opportunity to provide a contribution to Yayasan Bumi Sehat charity. We are grateful for your cooperation in this journey of service to humanity. You can donate by credit card / paypal by going to our website (www.bumisehatbali.org) in Bali: Donations can be made to the clinic Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Ubud (Bali). Deposits in Italy at Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano payable to: Alexander Langer Foundation IBAN: IT91 D 06045 11613 000000555000 BIC: CRBZIT2B059 (for transfers from abroad) Cause: Healthy mothers, happy Earth-Ibu Robin As for donation under Article 13 of Legislative Decree 12/04/1997, n.460, the amounts paid by bank transfer are deductible from income. To obtain the certification of donation took place and need to communicate your name, date of birth and Lugo, place of residence, telephone, e-mail address and tax identification number to the e-mail: madrisaneterrafelice@alexanderlanger.org Tel: +62361 970 002 Fax: +62361972969 Email: info@bumisehatbali.org iburobin@bumisehatbali.org helping hands to the Bumi Sehat Bali ~ where every day is born a miracle of peace! Thank You! Terima Kasih! THANKS