Un'infrasettimanale stolen from the weather and study. The predictions are for mostly to the Rhaetian, while on the foothills give bad ... The Olano is a good goal, especially because there have never been!
So here I am the refuge of the Court (now get there by car) along with Sergio, both equipped with skis. Ready and go, I leave the camera in the car so he used batteries:-D
The forest is a nice slide, under the trees the snow is scarce. If one is not a lot 'in no time just need shoulders!
Motta arrived at the scene of Olano it's great! When a night here?
We aim to the saddle between the Olano and lace of the Gauls (all well-drawn, even the climb to the lace of the Gauls from the right). The crest of the oil is impractical, overloaded and, above all, worked by the wind ... Very dangerous!
tried using the lace of the Gauls and walk 2 / 3 of the ridge and then withdrawn, in view of the cross, even treacherous side rails to beat the snow to the thighs and the inability to stand on the edge of the ridge views frames. Oh well, we are satisfied and proceed downhill.
descent that will prove to be not bad! Even a little 'dust! Then light crust and, from Motta down, compressed and plowed snow from the millions of ski-mountaineers who have followed up this beautiful peak.
At 1430 with your ass in the chair for a while 'study .... sigh, takes the lives of students!
Val Gerola forever!
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