Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Meiental - Chli Spannort

Trasferta nella Svizzera Centrale cercando di sfuggire dalla perturbazione che è prevista per il sud delle Alpi.

Siamo una bella comitiva di on-icers e new-entry: catena, Simo, Io, Fabio (la gnocca bionda del forum di on-ice), Nano, Kikko, Corvo nero (che oggi ha proprio scassato le palle al povero Catena), il Rosso e Stefano, alla sua prima sci-alpinistica di spessore.

La gita si svolge in un ambiente a me sconosciuto ma che apprezzo subito: pinnacoli e pareti contornano valloni dalle pendenze decise ma mai proibitive.

Dopo una stradina level earns a gully 400 meters in a short time. The wind and temperature changes are well pretty well frozen snow, and climbing have proved very useful (but not necessary, Stefano did it all without ... "Someone" had not told him that could have been useful. Bravo!)

Running in the sun.

The summit is to the left, which is accessed by a short but fun groove. Too bad the quality of the rock face of these walls a bit 'suck, otherwise there would be an interesting possibility.

now almost at the ski

come with us ... and the signs of disturbance. Swiss weather proved to be quite accurate. In Grigna ass!

At the top we enjoy even one last glimpse of sun, Photo by Nano.

Downhill skiing on crust. Within a channel a little steep steep 'Transform. In low snow.
short, trip to end all happy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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After the birth of the child

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Different Color Eye Scholarship

Resegone sotto le stelle

Matti we are crazy ....
was a bit 'that I was not a night ... maybe because I do not remember the coma the next day ....
The meeting is Bione to 20 but we are left only David (Fourfingers) and myself.
Leaving Morterone to 21 tracks can be clearly seen, looks like a trench ....
The bottom and ice so nice every now and then we leave the track and skirt ...
At 22.30 we are on top.
I tried to do more on the Lecco and Brianza but came badly ...

Well ... then the top is top Flag!

The snow in the first section to the groove, is still looking for dust ....
Since then it is a channel in the bobsleigh!
time to take a picture and I find myself in the dark ... Suddenly I see pop up in the bottom of the channel two fiery eyes ... Oh mother Martians ....
But there appears the owner of the eyes ... How lucky is only G8.
From what little we go home ... you work tomorrow ... At least I, you know that I sleep ...
And they say dogs life!

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Monday, March 7, 2011

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Adamello 8-9 Agosto 2010 (come è cominciata)

Andrew and Simon asked me to put photos on this blog and I do it with real pleasure and a little emotion. Then I'll tell you my first experience with images on a glacier.
Me and my friend Emily, creator of the tour, insieme ad altri compagni conosciuti sul posto partiamo dal Rifugio "Al Bedole" con 2 Guide Alpine, da lì si prosegue in cammino attraverso il bosco e il sentiero verso il rifugio "Mandron" dove ci fermeremo per il pranzo

Mentre siamo in cammino
Arrivati al "Mandron"
Dopo il pranzo si prosegue costeggiando il trasparentissimo lago "Mandron"
Si iniziano a vedere i rivoli d'acqua del ghiacciaio che si scioglie sotto il sole d'Agosto
Eccolo, finalmente! Appena lo vediamo iniziamo tutti a correre... Davanti a noi in maglietta la nostra guida
Nei due giorni precedenti aveva nevicato and it shows! I look like a happy child with the new toy ...
first time with crampons and tied the rope ... It is not all ice streams of water here and crevasses ...
crevasses and ice still a bit "dirty" explosive remnants of war
This has me a little scared ... I could not see the bottom ... In the face of the overtaking maneuver!
View from the refuge to the victims of Adamello "where we spent the night ... Personally, my first night in a shelter

Morale is high! Group photo before dinner
Dopo una notte quasi in bianco data dall'emozione, dal fatto che soffro di insonnia e soprattutto che non sono abituata a dormire in un sacco lenzuolo (ma per l'Adamello si fa questo e altro), si riparte! Destinazione la mitica Cresta Croce!

Eccoci ai suoi piedi

Il pezzo forte di tutta la gita! cominciamo ad arrampicare in cordata, la guida dice di tenere i ramponi anche su roccia perchè tiene ed infatti era vero! La roccia era un tipo di granito chiamato tonalite, la sensazione del rampone era favolosa...
Mentre arrampichiamo...
Panorami per me nuovi e mozzafiato

Arriving at the cross (behind us) we continue toward the cannon
For Andrea: you asked how was the crest of the Cross to Cannon, for me it was very funny, but there must also be said that the guide was very reliable and we were all related, so my opinion may be distorted, however, you judge from the photos I post now ...

I was in perfect balance
crampons kept beautifully
Emilio and I finally happy to Cannon
Gun Near the legendary stone ... Pride and satisfaction!
Unfortunately everything has an end and then falls last look at the Crest ...
retrace the path of going back home and
Good! After having wrecked the p. .. Adamello with my trip here are photos and reports, I hope the photos will be liked, personally, it was a pleasure to share them here on the blog, I only say that after this mythical trip I finally decided to continue to climb, you begin to ski and practice all possible activities related to the Adamello Mountain
forever! Hello everyone

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Apertura del Rif. Degli Angeli

E 'a while' I wanted to participate actively in a project OMG .E finalmente eccomi accontentato , con Zio Punzo , uno dei gestori , si organizza il tutto.L'apertura di un rifugio implica anche il portare su tutto il necessario per l'avvio di un anno di esercizio.

730 kg di roba devono essere stivati nelle apposite sacche ,e di tempo ne occorre...

Ma alla fine tutto e pronto, con l' eliccotterista siamo d'accordo per un viaggio in pomeriggio. Non ci resta che arrivare su prima dell'elicottero,ora. Qualcuno non ha sistemato ancora gli sci ma meno male che una cassetta di attrezzi salta fuori... Chissà com'è contenta la macchina con uno sci sul cofano ! Alla fine si parte, sono le 10,30 passate, di solito a quest'ora siamo quasi in cima oggi invece .... Non era mai stato in questa zona , nuovi scenari si aprono.... Oltre hai ragazzi del OMG c'è anche Giulia una ragazzina di 13 anni, che va come un treno.

Ma la vera locomotiva del gruppo e Marilena !

La neve è molto calda e lo zoccolo si forma spesso sotto gli sci, quindi spesso bisogna pulirli. Anche il manto nevoso non è eccezionale strani rumori si sentono, quindi per evitare di caricare troppo il pendio andiamo su dritti e cerchiamo una line that passes through a large rock outcropping ... In doing so
We come out on the hill above the hut and about 3000 mt .

500 meters more 'at the summit of Rutor .

without removing the skins arrive at the refuge, but unlike what usually happens, now comes the fun ... You get to shovel the snow, an operation that already 'per itself is made heavy to 2900 mt is devastating .....

Now there are those who shovel, who lights the stove and melt snow for those who start doing water ...

Well if nothing else hard I worked with a landscape like that ..
In 3 minutes from when he attacked the bags to arrive here by helicopter.
Other work comes from the sky, the 730 kg of stuff should be brought into the shelter ....
the end, everything is inside, I greet you all with melancholy and restart of the hills.
A last look at the warm and social retreat and begin the descent alone ...
Being alone in the mountains is a unique experience, past the dangerous part, your mind calm, with the 'lower share our body feels the benefit, and a strange feeling welfare will invade ...
In these moments, you realize you have fulfilled your life, feel the absence of loved ones, and the desire to return home to hold them again, but before a stroke who were you all day is next a must.