Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ikusa Otome Suvia Online

2 giorni in Adamello

Adamello season begins!
Unlike other times of the refuge Lobbia is still closed, and completely lack the tracks we are used to: Cresta Cross is a virgin, as is the whole plan of virgin snow and even the glacier of Lares. Saturday are drawn only to the passage Pisgana and the pace of Valletta. I

Simo fellow with facilities that we take will lead us to three thousand meters Tonal pitch Presena. In the cable car I discover that one of my sticks has no desire to work as it should, I will whole two days with only a stick: (

Almost all go up to the Passo Presena to go in the direction of Pian di Neve's just me Simon and a group of 8 persons. this track è vecchia di qualche giorno, quasi completamente cancellata dal vento. L'esperienza insegna...Lasciamo partire il gruppone e ci accodiamo a distanza risparmiando le forze per le ore che verranno....Scopriamo ben presto che verso il pian di Neve è tutto immacolato e il gruppone che ci precede prende la direzione del passo della Valleta. Non ci resta che violare la parte alta della vedretta del Mandron tracciando in un paio di metri di neve fresca.

Sotto il rifugio abbandoniamo cucina e viveri, con gli zaini più leggeri attacchiamo il pendio di Cresta Croce.

easily reach the ski and crampons, we begin to walk the snowy ridge that will take us to 4 meters from the summit cross.

for us here and we ended up going back to the slopes and a slope of virgin snow everything for us.
retrieved from the kitchen go up, not without difficulty, to the shelter.

Located on a winter there shovel and get rid of eachother access.
Inside is all very nice (and very new) sin:

1) The electric heater is not working (and what is a mega solar panel just outside the door?)
2) The light does not work
3) Missing gas !

Luckily we have our stove and, after having placed a duty, we are going to make us dinner ... Bad discovery should open the tap that has seized the gas! The situation is not very rosy in the winter without being able to melt the snow (and drinking!) Is the real risk of compromising the ride! Fortunately, Simon is a true engineer! Using the straps of the ski (!) Can unlock the tap and make me turn away from the snow melt with the lighter (I remain convinced that without more would have been a winning idea:))

After thorough ate can go to bed: under 5 blankets and clothes at all points is almost warm.

Sunday, the day begins early, at 6 we are already out of the shelter with the skis pointed at the White horn. Of course it's all to be traced, but after my feeble attempt, Simon looks at the situation and this leads both panoramic summit, not without a shudder the final because of a skin (by myself) that do not wanted to know to be attached to the ski.


last few meters before the snow ridge


The snow and all this is so inconsistent, better get off the road up! Hump \u200b\u200bon slopes decided restore to us the Mandron of the glacier.

do now to pick up the descent of Pisgana?
two choices: fly to the track pitch Venice, or to lose two hundred meters rejoining the track that goes to the step of Valletta. We opt for the latter hypothesis.
The difference is content to be covered, just 600 meters, but are tired and have a stick in less does not help me. I suffer, I suffer so much but finally arrived!

Now all downhill, and downhill! Do the curves with the powder to the knee is really cool! The tiredness from us and we can enjoy and understand this discesona that we will complete in just 1.30 h!


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