Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Read Product Dimensions Amazon

Meiental - Chli Spannort

Trasferta nella Svizzera Centrale cercando di sfuggire dalla perturbazione che è prevista per il sud delle Alpi.

Siamo una bella comitiva di on-icers e new-entry: catena, Simo, Io, Fabio (la gnocca bionda del forum di on-ice), Nano, Kikko, Corvo nero (che oggi ha proprio scassato le palle al povero Catena), il Rosso e Stefano, alla sua prima sci-alpinistica di spessore.

La gita si svolge in un ambiente a me sconosciuto ma che apprezzo subito: pinnacoli e pareti contornano valloni dalle pendenze decise ma mai proibitive.

Dopo una stradina level earns a gully 400 meters in a short time. The wind and temperature changes are well pretty well frozen snow, and climbing have proved very useful (but not necessary, Stefano did it all without ... "Someone" had not told him that could have been useful. Bravo!)

Running in the sun.

The summit is to the left, which is accessed by a short but fun groove. Too bad the quality of the rock face of these walls a bit 'suck, otherwise there would be an interesting possibility.

now almost at the ski

come with us ... and the signs of disturbance. Swiss weather proved to be quite accurate. In Grigna ass!

At the top we enjoy even one last glimpse of sun, Photo by Nano.

Downhill skiing on crust. Within a channel a little steep steep 'Transform. In low snow.
short, trip to end all happy!


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