Monday, February 28, 2011

Little Tikes Country Cottage Playhouse

Cima della Malgina

now here we are with new and old friends, Christmas is finally able to take a Saturday and a chance like that if does not 'get away.
Claus Marlen and instead it is the first time you aggregate our group.
Simon ... Well of course he's always like Giotto. So thanks to
Orzomobile reach the village of Bondone 1200 mt road not too good to be achieved without an SUV. Take the
mulatiera that gently rises, but at some point we realize that we are carrying too far and then climb directly into the woods to take the right path ...
Some say "Riki you before there are more '!"
We arrive at the lodges at Mount Low 1562 mt
hand we climb the view increases ....
and new spaces appear ...
Simone With the sun finally stop, near the huts Cantarena in 2071.
Here we stop and bunched group.
Finally for Christmas comes the sun.
Now follow the path that was outlined by the group ahead of us.
On the relation is written to take the left side, we now we have come to the right instead.
(up to the right is more 'short but dangerous in objective then evaluate it from time to time). Here we are in a first groove ...
What hand hand increases inclination.
Meanwhile, looking at the left side of the sun but we regret the choice now ....
A 2500 Christmas prefer to stop, now it is almost but experience teaches.
I keep the top and at the end here, of course Simon has a piece on Giotto and is the second time he reaches her.
Behind Claus arrives , Marlen preferred to stay just below the summit, did not want to deal with the last jump a bit 'dangerous to ski.
The flag is behind the knee but is Claus and c. .... Or G8.
Panorama beautiful, but you can see on the left of the arrival of the disturbance .
From the top we set off in June 'channel in the first part is enough to stand but the snow permits.
And when you enter the normal slope, we will take out my camera.
(Note my shadow in front of Giotto and Simone)
Even Marlen arrives.
Ma la neve non è proprio eccezionale ogni tanto delle croste ingannano, e chi cade viene sgridato dal maestro Giotto !
Qua invece l'esperienza arriva.
Un ultimo sguardo a questa valle, e poi ci rituffiamo nell'ombra della discesa, cercando i punti dove la neve è migliore.
Ma prima una foto a tutti i partecipati .
E ora arriva la parte che a me piace ...Il Bosco !
Ognuno sceglie la propria linea, e valuta le curve in funzione dei larici, ricordandosi che non sono paletti e quindi non si piegano and do not move!
The last hurdle is to get a jump on the road ....
Better not to risk ...
Beautiful day spent together with people who are really nice, hopefully soon in another release together. From
Marlen the next time we will see a snow better, however you were always up to the situation said .... Giotto!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can Cervix Be Very Soft A Day Before Period?

Ogni tanto bisogna saper rinunciare....

But heck if it costs! The tours depart
good or bad depending on who is it?
No! There is no bad luck, the fact is that sooner or later happen to find difficult conditions, and it's' you know when it's time to turn around.
But let's start with the order meeting at the Railway Station Morbegno them you are all 6 Alessandra, Fausto, Oscar, Mario and Simone. Let
machines on the road to Passo San Marco begins to rise, the snow is coming this week and just to allow you not to touch the ground.
arrive on the first alpine someone laughs at seeing the first flakes of snow.
the bunched group, waiting Ale and Fausto, while Oscar is now in great shape and all seeding.
We arrive at the shelter but a bitter surprise ahead is closed!
After a brief stop off again towards the Cima Lake
The amount of snow that fell on the hut is great, a fill us' also see all the last ridge, and the moral salt .
But things change quickly and a beautiful snow obscures everything.
Mario proposes to stop the trip the group will stop them.
I head ..... not la penso come lui e decido di proseguire.
Mi segue solo Giotto.
Scricchioli strani accompagnano il mio proseguire, anche G8 sentendoli ha paura e vuole salire in groppa .
Ormai sono solo e in me la mente lavora :
" Ma perchè devi essere cosi testone tutti ti dicono fermati e tu continui...."
" Una volta che arrivi al colle cosa farai...."
" Manco fosse un 4000..."
" Su quella cima ci sei stato già tante volte...."
E cosi mi fermo, un ultimo sguardo , e giro i tacchi.
Appena G8 capisce che si ritorna salta giu ' e corre dal gruppo, mestamente arrivo anche io.
Solo Fausto mi segue nella decisione di togliere le pelli e scendere sciando, gli altri piu ' saggiamente decidono di tenerle su.
Ma caspita se mi sono portato gli sci fino a qua ci sara ' un perchè .
Anche la neve non è il massimo ma qualche curva si riesce a farla.
Poi finalmente arriva la parte bella della gita , un bel bosco sciabile con buona pendenza .
Come tutte le cose arriva la fine ed eccoci sulla strada.
Ma un elogio va fatto al caro Mario, che ha capito subito la situazione e ha avuto il coraggio di fermarsi prima di me .
Gli amici di On-Ice dicono che sia un porta rogna , ma non è vero.
Qua mentre mi grida " E poi mi dici minchiagita quella in Val Budria !!!! "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Make Homemade Saxophone

Piz Surparè

"Cosa faccio questo week?" Me lo sono chiesto per tutta la settimana poi ho deciso di sfruttare la neve caduta recentemente...
Quindi ritrovo con la truppa di on-ice al Bione e, dopo qualche incertezza iniziale sulla meta, optiamo per l'engadina, Jiullierpass area.
Well, I think I have the mountains turn a good number, however, the views and spaces Engadine are truly unique! Frozen lakes turned into cross-country trails, vast valleys where you can choose the locking line slopes on which you prefer and brush (for those who are able to do so) corners at full speed ... really beautiful places! A season all spatial visions on Badile Bondasca, Bernina ....

The summit is the first choice piz board racks, but we see going up the slopes leading to the immaculate yet Piz Surp, change is half a minute!
We set off laughing and joking, the morale is sky high view of the beautiful giornata e le condizioni eccezionali dei pendii che preannunciano una grande sciata.

Vai Giuliano!!

Prima e unica sosta di giornata


The duo De Brug shall compact

The photo was taken at the top of the route following the steep track of Julian (from the bottom of the group has raised the big voice of Kikko "Giulianooo! supports this c. .. Trace").
the background Piz Racks and the black dot you see is Claus ripella that.

Just below the summit. The skis just because we were hoping for a down alternative that we prefer to avoid

10 minutes with the crest fun rocky sections and handed me the Nano on the panoramic summit.
Yeah ..

Now we have the descent that everyone has made the following line he liked best!

Mount And Blade Mod Bragonball

Notturna al Palanzone

Beh, dopo tre giorni di pioggia/neve, una nottata prevista limpida, e guarda caso una Luna piena al 100% non si poteva certo restare a casa, o fare un'asettica uscita in qualche pub o posto insignificante...
perciò abbiamo deciso per fare una che ormai per noi è diventata una classica come notturna! Il Palanzone!
Se qualcuno dovesse propormi di andare sul Palanzone d'estate, rifiuterei quasi di sicuro, fa caldo, è tutto al sole, è una camminata che non mi dice granché. In invernale già cambia, sarà la neve che lo rende più interessante...In inverno in notturna non rinuncio nemmeno se sta nevicando!

Le condizioni last night were very good indeed! The snow there was, even more than expected, I thought it had rained there too considering the temperatures of the week, but there were about 40 cm of snow "new"! However, given the hot sun on Friday, the plants had unloaded everything, and the powdery snow was no longer in a nutshell, it seemed old snow for two weeks of sunshine.

left home at about 9, this time we are in 4, I Sergius, Paul and Middle, we arrive at the Colma Sormano and prepare to leave, not cold, we are above zero, but there is a a strong wind, although it will never be very annoying.
begin the path, which is very well-wrought, given the favorable conditions probably did not lose time and someone has already done the track!
Luckily! Why Sergio and I have snowshoes, so no problem to move forward with this snow, but Middle and Paul did not, and no trace would be much more difficult!
The setting is really nice, but we have a front right "because it could serve, but the brightness of the moon is more than enough for excellent visibility!
proceed smoothly along the track, which is a path that we did not expect, rather than go immediately to the ridge, turn around going for a piece on the side towards Pian del Tivano, following quello che forse è il sentiero estivo. Una mezza idea di tagliare tra le piante per sbucare sulla via che conoscevamo come quella normale ce l'abbiamo, ma andare a caso in neve fresca di notte non è il massimo, soprattutto per chi è senza ciaspole, perciò optiamo per seguire la via tracciata.
Dopo questo tratto di bosco, ci ritroviamo come sperato sulla cresta solita del Palanzone; qui iniziano i numerosi sali scendi che danno sempre l'impressione di essere arrivati, ma in realtà giunti in cima a uno si scopre che ce n'è sempre uno successivo! Poco male però, visto il panorama! Sull'ampia cresta il vento ha già fatto in tempo a scolpire una cornice molto bella che crea un bel gioco di ombre, sullo sfondo la plain with all its lights, and behind the mountains, quiet, lit only by moonlight, beautiful!

Well, you say, let us see pictures! And in fact arrived on the crest I pulled out my camera. Too bad that it managed to do just one picture! Unfortunately, after the first shot from 30s to display with the car plunged into the snow to hold it, the batteries have forsaken me!

not go well even with the car of Medium, because its batteries had not so!
Okay, it means that next month we will return!
continue the hike to the summit, and meet a bit 'of people who come down and see the lights go from the refuge Riella. Apparently we are not so few to have some ideas! The thing is pretty pleased!
arrive at the top for about 11:40, a sip of hot tea and then off, off again for the descent.
The downhill runs quiet and fast, we come to the car and go home.

Walking at night in the moonlight on the snow is always a good thing, the atmosphere, the landscape, the silence, it is always worth losing a few hours of sleep!

Another bell'uscita the snow is gone, we hope the weather holds, because unfortunately there is now a damn concerned to think about, so you have to postpone for a while 'the next ...
We'll see!