Beh, dopo tre giorni di pioggia/neve, una nottata prevista limpida, e guarda caso una Luna piena al 100% non si poteva certo restare a casa, o fare un'asettica uscita in qualche pub o posto insignificante...
perciò abbiamo deciso per fare una che ormai per noi è diventata una classica come notturna! Il Palanzone!
Se qualcuno dovesse propormi di andare sul Palanzone d'estate, rifiuterei quasi di sicuro, fa caldo, è tutto al sole, è una camminata che non mi dice granché. In invernale già cambia, sarà la neve che lo rende più interessante...In inverno in notturna non rinuncio nemmeno se sta nevicando!
Le condizioni last night were very good indeed! The snow there was, even more than expected, I thought it had rained there too considering the temperatures of the week, but there were about 40 cm of snow "new"! However, given the hot sun on Friday, the plants had unloaded everything, and the powdery snow was no longer in a nutshell, it seemed old snow for two weeks of sunshine.
left home at about 9, this time we are in 4, I Sergius, Paul and Middle, we arrive at the Colma Sormano and prepare to leave, not cold, we are above zero, but there is a a strong wind, although it will never be very annoying.
begin the path, which is very well-wrought, given the favorable conditions probably did not lose time and someone has already done the track!
Luckily! Why Sergio and I have snowshoes, so no problem to move forward with this snow, but Middle and Paul did not, and no trace would be much more difficult!
The setting is really nice, but we have a front right "because it could serve, but the brightness of the moon is more than enough for excellent visibility!
proceed smoothly along the track, which is a path that we did not expect, rather than go immediately to the ridge, turn around going for a piece on the side towards Pian del Tivano, following quello che forse è il sentiero estivo. Una mezza idea di tagliare tra le piante per sbucare sulla via che conoscevamo come quella normale ce l'abbiamo, ma andare a caso in neve fresca di notte non è il massimo, soprattutto per chi è senza ciaspole, perciò optiamo per seguire la via tracciata.
Dopo questo tratto di bosco, ci ritroviamo come sperato sulla cresta solita del Palanzone; qui iniziano i numerosi sali scendi che danno sempre l'impressione di essere arrivati, ma in realtà giunti in cima a uno si scopre che ce n'è sempre uno successivo! Poco male però, visto il panorama! Sull'ampia cresta il vento ha già fatto in tempo a scolpire una cornice molto bella che crea un bel gioco di ombre, sullo sfondo la plain with all its lights, and behind the mountains, quiet, lit only by moonlight, beautiful!
Well, you say, let us see pictures! And in fact arrived on the crest I pulled out my camera. Too bad that it managed to do just one picture! Unfortunately, after the first shot from 30s to display with the car plunged into the snow to hold it, the batteries have forsaken me!
Okay, it means that next month we will return!
continue the hike to the summit, and meet a bit 'of people who come down and see the lights go from the refuge Riella. Apparently we are not so few to have some ideas! The thing is pretty pleased!
arrive at the top for about 11:40, a sip of hot tea and then off, off again for the descent.
The downhill runs quiet and fast, we come to the car and go home.
Walking at night in the moonlight on the snow is always a good thing, the atmosphere, the landscape, the silence, it is always worth losing a few hours of sleep!
Another bell'uscita the snow is gone, we hope the weather holds, because unfortunately there is now a damn concerned to think about, so you have to postpone for a while 'the next ...
We'll see!
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