Dopo due finesettimana dedicati ai canali rieccomi su gli sci.
Con Simone e gli amici di ON-ICE eccoci a Slpuga in partenza per il Suretta ...
Il Tambo gia ' illuminato dal sole, un po' di malinconia mi accompagna quella cima mi guarda ma io non sono ancora riuscito a salirla. 8 anni fa con i miei soci mi fermai sotto poche decine di metri....
Now climb up the slopes of Suretta as some 'time ago'....
This picture was in those days, but yesterday we managed to get that nice channel ....
Giotto's with me today along with many new friends.
Raven Black background with Leo and the dam.
then head north, but today we followed the coast along the plateau
Then we went wide but the shadow of that channel Suretta
Today the only shade the backlight on puts your Friends
The way to go in the mountains has become more 'joke ....
The Tambo and Ferre 'dominate the landscape, and my memories ....
Then we reached the top of the with an easy climb.
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